Tremendous stuff, you should do this for a living…
Seriously though, I’ve only been into cycling as a spectator sport since last year’s Tour (de France), and the Cycling Podcast and now this newsletter are two things I never skip.
Strangely, even though I’d never heard of Richard prior to coming across the podcast nor read any of his work, I almost feel I share some of your sense of loss, if that isn’t inappropriate to say.
Tremendous stuff, you should do this for a living…
Seriously though, I’ve only been into cycling as a spectator sport since last year’s Tour (de France), and the Cycling Podcast and now this newsletter are two things I never skip.
Strangely, even though I’d never heard of Richard prior to coming across the podcast nor read any of his work, I almost feel I share some of your sense of loss, if that isn’t inappropriate to say.
Keep up the great work.